40, 50, 60, 64
Danbury Road
Wilton, CT 06897

Building Management

At Wilton Corporate Park

Class A Management

Wilton Corporate Park is managed by Davis Marcus Partners.

John K. Busby is the Regional Asset Director for Davis Marcus Partners c/o Marcus Partners and has overall responsibility for Wilton Corporate Park’s property management issues.

During business hours, your office manager interacts with building services: Call: 203.331.4770

After business hours emergencies: Call: 203.372.2534

The Property Manager is Tom Juliano. Tom is the on-site manager of the property management team, responsible for the daily operation of Wilton Corporate Park.


The Building Engineer is Carlos DeJesus. He assists Tom with the daily operation of the buildings.


Building Services
The Building Services staff of Wilton Corporate Park can be contacted through your company’s designated Office Manager who will interact with the Building Services personnel to help resolve tenant service issues. The Building Services management department utilizes a daytime dispatcher and a night time emergency services operator to receive service calls. The dispatcher takes service requests and forwards the requests to the appropriate on-site Building Services personnel.


For after business hours emergencies: call 203-372-2534. Please be specific and denote the nature of the emergency, building address, specific location of the issue, your name and phone number. The service will contact the appropriate person on duty.